Alurel's movie day this Friday, February 25th starting at 3pm slt  and playing through Sunday, February 27th at the Story Pavilion located on the Loxingly Estate on the Eastern side of the North stream.

Movie: What Dreams May Come
Release: 2 October 1998 (USA)
Runtime: 113 min

Soul mates Chris and Annie couldn't be happier, having married each other and had two wonderful children. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes when they lose them both in a car accident, and then again for Annie many years later when Chris is killed in another accident. What Chris finds is a Paradise unlike anything he ever imagined, where he is guided by Albert, the first doctor he interned under and is helped to see his children once again. Unfortunately, when Annie takes her life in despair, she does not venture to the same plane of existence. Taking it upon himself to rescue her, Chris ventures into the pit of Hell with Albert and a Tracker to save his wife from the damnation she doesn't even know she is forcing on herself.

Instructions for playing the movie:

To watch the movie each of you will need to touch the video player box located under the movie screen. (DO NOT touch the movie screen!)

Click the button that has the number 1 on it to open the movie selection menu.

On the movie selection menu click the button that has the number 1 on it. The menu will close automatically and begin playing the movie.

When you have done this please say so in local chat.

The DVD Player can only be used by one person at a time so announcing when you are finished will speed up this process greatly.  (please note you will NOT disturb anyone else who is already watching the movie, no matter when you show up and play it, so don't be afraid to come in while others are seated :) )

Wait until you see this in local chat:

[12:30]  Millions Destiny Media DVD Player v2.3.2: Movie stopped.  (unsync)

[12:30]  Millions Destiny Media DVD Player v2.3.2: Enjoy the movie.  (unsync)

Click on the media play button on your viewer (NOT on the tv or anything in world).  The play button is at the bottom right of the screen. (for Phoenix) and the top right (for Version 2 viewer)

If the movie isn't playing make sure you have the newest version of Quicktime installed. (Quicktime requires you to restart your computer after installing.)

Also make sure you have enabled streaming media in your viewer.

The play button for Phoenix and some other viewers is on the bottom right of your screen next to what looks like a small movie camera. If you are in viewer 2 and don't know how to play just the media without the music on the land playing at well: To play media (movie) only, go to the play/pause icon next to the speaker icon on the top right of your viewer.  Hover the mouse over the icon and select "More" from the menu that comes up. There stop all but "Parcel streaming media" use this to play and pause the movie as well.  Remember though regardless of what you do here the movie will restart when the next show time hits.  So please be careful not to pause to long.
You MUST have the most current version of Quicktime for media to work!!!

If you teleport out, you will have to start the movie over again when you get back! It's not like a dvd player. You can't pick up where you left off, so unless it's super important, stay put.

Movie day is not just for our family members! Feel free to pass this notecard on to your friends or bring your friends along with you :).

Love and Light,
Lady Aiánna Vrín Ferúviál
Queen of Alurel

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